Stairway Chair Lifts

Stair lifts by Handi-Ramp are designed to aid in the navigation of staircases. Constructed of ABS plastic, our stair lifts are designed with an adjustable seat and footrests which are padded and can be stored within the device. Positive locking mechanisms and seatbelts ensure safety. Powered by a 24VDC battery, they are also backed up by constant charging along the rails/walls.

Fitted with Aluminum rails and swivel seats rotating at an angle of 45° and 90°, chair lifts for stairs provide an angle of inclination of 25° – 45°. Obtrusion sensors near the footrests provide safety brake carriage. Wall mounted call/send controls are attached for emergency purposes. Stairway chair lift units are easily installed and can be fitted along railings or walls for movement. Two models are available: the B-07 and Step-Saver.

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The B-07 stair lift can be used for both indoor and outdoor purposes. Maximum achievable travel is 32 feet with a speed of 0.09 m/s.

The Step-Saver, faster than the B-07 travels at a speed of 0.1 m/s and is used primarily for indoor purposes. It regulates soft start and stop with an electronic controller. Additionally, the Step Saver features an adjustable and foldable footrest with a lateral adjustment for uneven treads and padded seat and armrests.

Stairlifts are flexible, portable, occupy less space than a traditional platform lifts and can be used for residential or commercial purposes with easy upgradeable options.

Please feel free to call on us for any help you may need. Our expert staff will provide any assistance that is required.
(800) 876-7267 or (847) 680-7700

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